Ben Joyce


About the Artists:

Ben Joyce names his subject Abstract Topophilia. He is inspired by people across the world and their bond to the places they live, have lived, and travel. He encourages the viewersto take time to really immerse themselves into the actual layout of a location; the history, emotions, experiences and memories. Ben Joyce uses mixed medias including oils, acrylics, woods, resins and epoxies in bold, emphatic colors and textures.


Abstract Topophilia is a non-traditional perspective of landscapes. I Paint from a birds eye vantage point, allowing the viewer a completely different experience than traditional landscapes. I realized that you only need a few recognizable reference points and lines from a location; then, when the viewer understands and makes the connection to what they are seeing, there is an instant bond to the piece. The viewer then takes the piece to the next level and begins to travel through it by injecting it with his knowledge and emotions.


Eduction: Gonzaga University including a year at the satellite campus in Florence, Italy.